Here you can find a selection of the talks I have given, including invited seminars, colloquia and workshop talks.

String Phenomenology

This has been the major conference for most of my research where I was invited as plenary speaker: 2014 (ICTP), 2017 (Virginia Tech), 2018 (Warsaw), 2019 (CERN), 2020 (Northeastern), 2021 (Northeastern), 2023 (Daejeon).

Conferences with Machine Learning Focus

String_Data 2023, Caltech (December 2023). International conference on Machine Learning Physics (Kyoto, November 2023). ML4JETS, Hamburg (November 2023). IAIFI summer workshop (AI Physics Initiative at MIT, Harvard, Northeastern, Tufts August 2023). Pollica - AI workshop 2023 String_Data 2022, Cambridge (December 2023). Hammers and Nails 2022 (Weizmann) String_Data 2021, Wits (December 2021). ML4JETS, Heidelberg (July 2021). Sanya Workshop on Algebraic Geometry and Machine Learning (virtual, January 2021). String_Data 2020, CERN (December 2020). XAIENCE 2019, Crossing over the AI and Science, Seoul (Nov. 2019). First French– German Meeting in Physics, Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence Theory, Paris (Nov. 2019). Deep Learning and Physics (DLAP 2019), Kyoto (Oct. 2019). Workshop on Machine Learning in Geometry and Physics (Sanya, China). Big data in string theory (Northeastern University, Boston, USA), invited plenary talk and leader of break-out group (Nov. 2017).

International conferences

ACAT (Bari, October 2022). YITP workshop “Strings and Fields 2021”, Kyoto (August 2021). Nankai Symposium: Mathematical Dialogues (June 2021). Conference on Recent Developments in Strings and Gravity, Corfu (Sep. 2019). Conference on Geometry and Strings, Ringberg Castle (July 2018). Grand Unification in the Real World BCTP, Bonn. Post-inflationary string cosmology, University of Bologna (Sept. 2017). Gordon Research Conference on String Theory & Cosmology (Lucca, Italy), plenary talk due to poster prize (May 2017). String/M-theory Compactifications and Moduli Stabilisation (MCTP, Ann Arbor), overview talk (March 2015), New Challenges for String Phenomenology, Madrid (September 2012), String Phenomenology, Simons Center Stony Brook (April 2012)


MIT, IAIFI Colloquium (2021) University of Stuttgart, ICP colloquium (2021) University of Cambridge, DAMTP HEP/GR colloquium (2018) University of Surrey, Departmental Colloquium in Mathematics (2018)

Invited Lectures

International conference on Machine Learning Physics (3 lectures, Kyoto, November 2023) MITP School on Machine Learning in Particle Theory (2 lectures, Mainz, July 2023) Data Science Lecture Hamburg (December 2022; lecture and tutorial) IAIFI Summer School (August 2022, 2 lectures on ML for Beyond the Standard Model Physics)

Invited Seminars

BIMSA Beijing, UW Madison, Northeastern, Queen Mary London, University of Lisbon, ETH Zürich, DESY, Tsinghua University, University of Oxford, LMU Munich, Liverpool University, HRI Allahabad, Bologna University, JGU Mainz, TU Munich, University of Bonn, ITP Heidelberg, DAMTP Cambridge, ICTP Trieste

Workshops and other talks

Outreach talk FragenAnsUniversum: Gibt es noch andere Universen ausser unserem eigenen? Black holes: bridges between number theory and quantum information (review lecture and workshop talk, Newton Institute Cambridge, November 2023), MIAPP workshop on Automatic Differentiation and Probabilistic Programming (June 2023), SCGP workshop on Computational Differential Geometry and its Applications in Physics (November 2022, Stony Brook), BCTP, Bethe Forum “Machine Learning: Where to apply in Theoretical Physics” (invited plenary talk, Bonn June 2022). MITP workshop on String Theory, Geometry and String Model Building (Mainz, Germany), plenary talk (Sep. 2018). DPG Frühjahrstagung (Münster, March 2017): topical workshop on gravitational waves, invited talk. Alsatian workshop on X-ray polarisation (University of Strasbourg), plenary talk (Nov. 2017). Patras 2016, plenary talk (June 2016). GGI String Pheno Cosmo (Florence), plenary talk (October 2015). Workshop on Supersymmetry Breaking in String Theory (Newton Institute Cambridge), plenary talk (March 2014). HKIAS workshop on Cosmology and String Theory (April 2011)